This week’s post is a short poem. I am trying to capture the way our physical experiences of the world tune us to what Life calls us to become.

When life’s beautiful little details
Catch me by the throat
I know that truth is indeed ungentle
And cannot be cajoled

Still— revelation comes, at times, in sweeter form—
Ripe honeydew melting on my tongue
A hummingbird fluttering over my shoulder
Witness to my awakening
I am cracked as the melon
And tender as the bird

I pick a Baptisia pod
Black as soot and dry as leather
Make it into a rattle and
Shake it to tunes of desire
It’ll croon my name
And soothe my fever

Pine needles and loosened loam
Soften my fall
I make a nest of earth and twigs
Dig a receiving vault
I wrap myself up in leaves
Grind myself down in acorns
When life’s beautiful little details
Hold me in their palms